全球政府联盟, 行业和投资者率先为零排放汽车创新投资策略

Partners within the Collective for Clean 运输 Finance will collaborate to accelerate investments in global projects for road transport electrification.

发表: 2023年12月4日
类型: 新闻

迪拜,2023年12月4日至今 今天, 在迪拜举行的COP28会议上, 阿拉伯联合酋长国, 英国政府(作为ZEV过渡委员会(ZEVTC)联合主席), 荷兰政府, 世界银行, 亚马逊, DHL集团, 道富银行, C40, CALSTART 和 Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH confirmed their alignment with the Collective for Clean 运输 Finance. 在一起,y will spearhead lighthouse projects that will help accelerate the global deployment of zero-emission buses, 中型和重型货运, 两轮和三轮电动化.

The Collective for Clean 运输 Finance (The Collective) was formed last year at COP27 to address gaps within transport climate finance by facilitating radical collaboration between governments, 企业和金融机构. The Collective already connects 80+ organizations with the long-term objective of creating a global deal flow to scale investments in clean transport. 它是由 正规博彩十大网站 (WBCSD),并得到联合国气候变化高级别倡导者Nand的支持 & Jeet Khemka基金会, 智能货运中心, 联合国环境规划署的全球电动交通方案, 世界银行的全球交通脱碳基金和零碳交通技术中心.

尽管在交通电气化方面的投资创下了纪录在美国,用于道路运输的气候融资比例不足以满足2020年的目标.2015年《正规博彩十大网站排名》的5°C承诺,特别是在低收入和中等收入国家. 交通脱碳项目正在逐步扩大规模, 许多低收入和中等收入国家都在投资, 例如, 在电动公交车上. 然而, many sustainable transport and electric mobility projects are still subject to high initial capital investment costs and risks due to slow regulatory environments and inadequate policy frameworks. 这往往会阻碍金融机构大规模参与转型. 政府, 企业 and financial institutions must join sides to effectively accelerate investments in clean transport.

该组织的成立是为了通过激活一个全球政府网络来应对这一挑战, 金融机构及公司. Members of the Collective engage in cross-sector dialogues to aggregate individual companies’ demand for zero-emission fleets in alignment with national political ambition for transport decarbonization. 作为下一步, 他们将共同设计混合融资策略, policy frameworks and infrastructure deployment that reflect the optimized risk profile 和 scale of the projects.

这是今天在第28届联合国气候变化大会上启动的第一阶段, 利益相关者将围绕灯塔项目,如 印度电动巴士大挑战, 印度电子货运加速器(e-FAST)全球交通脱碳基金的撒哈拉以南非洲区域融资基金 -提供具体行动机会的全球最佳做法, 同时展示创新的融资机制和合作方式. 

自成立以来,这个集体一直被强调为是欧盟的一项关键举措 突破议程 and is listed as one of the transformative initiatives driving the ZEVTC Global ZEV Transition Roadmap to be launched on 5 December at COP28, 助力解决全球投资缺口.

“签署全球零排放公共汽车和卡车谅解备忘录的国家数量仍在增加. 扩大零排放交通, 有效动员公共和私营部门投资利益攸关方是关键. 清洁运输融资集体在推动转型方面具有独特的优势,” Vivianne Heijnen,荷兰环境部长.

“The Collective is providing crucial international leadership to embed cross-sectoral collaboration processes vital for scaling much-needed investment in clean transport. 通过公路运输的突破和ZEVTC, UK is proud to be working alongside the Collective to systematically strengthen international support for developing countries and I look forward to this collaboration going from strength to strength as we jointly implement crucial work under the new Global ZEV Transition Roadmap from 2023,” Ed Webber,英国政府融资和部门转型副主任.

“世界银行已经把效率放在首位, 将人们与机会和基本服务联系起来的低碳城市交通. The Collective for Clean 运输 Finance will further help accelerate efforts to finance and scale the decarbonization of transport,” 陈光哲,世界银行主管基础设施的副行长.

“There is ground for optimism in the global race to net-zero – but policymakers and investors must be aligned to deliver needed infrastructure and zero-emission vehicles. In supporting this important initiative and its lighthouse projects in crucial vehicle segments of e-buses and e-trucks, 我们正朝着正确的方向又迈出了一步,” 荷兰国际集团(ing)安徒生, Under-Secretary General of the United Nations and Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).

“通过合作制定投资计划和调整对零排放汽车的需求, 企业, 投资者和政府可以加速向净零排放交通的转变. 这是迈向零排放的关键转折。 联合国气候变化大会第二十八届会议高级别倡导者拉赞·穆巴拉克阁下.

“自2019年以来, C40 和 ICCT have supported cities in Latin America in the transition towards zero emission buses as part of the Zero Emission Bus Rapid-deployment Accelerator (ZEBRA) Partnership, securing commitments by manufacturers and investors to scale up the technological and financial solutions to decarbonize bus fleets in the region. 尽管有很多成功的故事值得庆祝, 需要采取更多行动支持城市开展这些努力, increasing investment in public transportation is one of the most cost-effective actions that we can take to reduce climate emissions, 创造绿色就业和包容性机会, 改善城市中每个人的生计,” Cassie Sutherland, C40气候解决方案和网络团队董事总经理.

“智能货运中心 is happy to drive this effort to align and catalyze investments in clean transport together with this group of global leaders. 跨部门合作对于加快行动至关重要, particularly for commercial vehicle segments and for reducing the emission impacts of global freight transportation,” Christoph Wolff, 智能货运中心首席执行官.

杰西卡·T. Donohue博士,道富银行全球投资洞察、可持续性和影响力主管他说:“到2050年实现净零排放无疑是一项艰巨的任务. 但是通过明智的决定, action from all sectors of the economy 和 mobilization of capital – combined with the right investments – it is possible to bring about impactful change. 转型融资是所有利益相关者都能支持的事情. We know we can’t operate in isolation to drive change at scale and strategic collaboration is needed to build upon the efforts already realized by the CCTF.”

“The TUMI E-Bus Mission is offering technical advice and facilitating mutual exchange for cities in the Global South to prepare for the implementation of e-buses resulting in a greener and more livable future. 将决策者聚集在一起, 商业和金融机构, 就像清洁运输融资组织那样, 高端电动巴士采用的关键是什么,” Elke Huttner, 气候变化部门的负责人, 德国国际合作集团全球事业部(GloBe)的环境与基础设施.

“企业和政府必须合作,降低绿色基础设施项目的风险并扩大规模. That is why we co-founded The Collective for Clean 运输 Finance at COP 27 and are proud to see lighthouse projects emerge today that will advance transport climate targets, 同时也展示了金融领域合作方法的价值,” 乌代·卡姆卡副主席 Nand闪存的 & Jeet Khemka基金会.

如欲了解更多信息,请与WBCSD流动事务总监Thomas Deloison联系 deloison@fitgreenlife.com.

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